Showing: 21 - 30 of 41 RESULTS
Tea review

Green Summer Tea – A.C. Perch’s

So for my very first attempt with this tea, I (gasp) followed the instructions against both my better judgment and a Danish Steepsterer’s recommendation. There are at least two more brews to get out of this sample, so it seemed like a good place to start. Following the instructions in this case, resulted in an 80C-steep for …

Tea review

Noël à Pékin – Dammann Freres

Interestingly, if you compare the English and French descriptions for this black-green blend, there is no mention of citrus (or, well, agrumi) oils in the translation – I picked this as the first to try from my Instant-Thé tea haul, as it smelled so strongly of blood orange – which I can never keep my hands …

Tea review

Bailey Cream – A.C. Perch’s

So this is Bailey Cream, not Bailey’s Cream, and in the English description on the website they don’t even bother with the capital letter. So what exactly is a ‘bailey’? At least the Danish copy is a little more forthcoming: Cremet Bailey the. So silly – why not just call it Irish Cream instead of doing a half-assed attempt at …

Tea review

White Symphony – A.C. Perchs Thehandel

Hm, interesting – I didn’t have high hopes for the White Mulberry (What’s a white mulberry, anyway? What’s its purpose?) and there were no reviews to read, really, but I ended up absolutely loving it – this one, on the other hand, was talked up by a certain T, so I thought it would be something …

Tea review

Vanilla Orchid – David’s Tea

This is a very light, bright oolong – I tend to favour riper, fruitier ones as they always seem to infuse the flavoured tea with depth and dimension. Accordingly, this comes off a little flat to me. This is my second time trying it – the first time around I brewed at 90C, with a …

Tea review

Buttered Rum – David’s Tea

Oh, here we go. Last time around, I made this with boiling water and steeped for 4 minutes. This attempt, 90C and 5 minutes. The scent of the tea is completely different this time – yesterday I wondered why everyone was talking about coconut, when the body was all malt… but now it’s like getting into the …

Tea review

Buttered Rum – David’s Tea

This poor tea. I got it in the mail today from my friend C, who is a very lovely and brilliant man, but with a fairly limited understanding of the reign of sheer violence and horror that is inter-European shipping. So like the nice, innocent Canadian he is, he put two David’s Tea (yes, I …

Tea review

White Lounge Tea – A.C. Perch’s

So after steeping that White Mulberry for 6 minutes, it wasn’t too daunting to leave this in the basket for 8, in accordance with the instructions on the bag. Dry, this tea smells sweet and fruity. It’s very pretty, all long leaves and flower petals. In the cup, it’s all blackcurrant. And nicely done, too – it’s …

Tea review

Green Rhubarb Cream – A.C. Perch’s

It’s no coincidence I picked this as my second tea to try from that massive gift batch from T – rhubarb is something I love growing in my garden and cooking with – I’ll even get excited about rhubarb cordials and lemonades, but in tea? Firstly, I feel much of the complexity of the rhubarb …