Showing: 111 - 120 of 123 RESULTS
Tea review

Kvitten (Quince) – Kränku

I do love a bit of quince jam and the characteristic tart-ripe note of the fruit is indeed highly present scent wise in the dry tea. Unfortunately, this complexity doesn’t quite translate to the cup – the main body of the scent matches that of the flavour, but the quincey aftertaste goes missing somewhere along …

Tea review

Strawberry & Vanilla – Lupicia

This is Lupicia at their very best. In the bag, a natural, sweet, ripe strawberry meets a rich and creamy vanilla. Lupicia usually go for a very subtle vanilla flavour, but in this case, either they’ve kicked it up a notch, or the strawberry gives it more punch, as the vanilla is highly present both …

Tea review

Momoko – Lupicia

Scent wise, this is very peachful and sweet with vanilla. The dry tea itself is not as beautiful as many other flavoured greens from Lupicia – there’s the occasional petal, but I see no trace of the cornflower and there are no discernible pieces of fruit. Peach and vanilla with floral notes is everything I …

Tea review

La Poire – Palais des Thés

Lupicia’s fruity teas tend to be the standard by which I measure all others – I love their strong scents and sweet, juicy flavours – and most of all the fact that said scents and flavours hardly ever hit artificial notes. They’re such happy, friendly teas. Sometimes, however, I want a tea that is somewhat …

Tea review

Paradise Green – Lupicia

This tea is lush in the bag, petals and fruit pieces participating without being showy, and it smells absolutely gorgeous. What I usually say about Lupicia’s fruity/floral green teas coming off as very natural and fresh applies here, too. There is nothing artificial about the scent, which consists of a concentrated, ripe fruity base with …

Tea review

Tsugaru Green – Lupicia

This is the first apple tea I tried (that wasn’t of the super-sweetened Turkish variety) that I really enjoyed. To my nose, there is nothing artificial about the scent of the leaves – this is exactly what it smells like when you’re in your autumn kitchen, peeling harvested apples for jams and chutneys. Long, fragrant …

Tea review

Apple & Berry – Lupicia

I’m generally a big fan of Lupicia’s fruity/floral green teas, but this isn’t one of their best. It does smell very good in the bag, although it’s more of a generic, slightly chemical fruit aroma. Thankfully, the chemical note does not in any way carry through into the brewed tea – I’ve never come across …