Showing: 161 - 170 of 240 RESULTS
Tea review

White Lounge Tea – A.C. Perch’s

So after steeping that White Mulberry for 6 minutes, it wasn’t too daunting to leave this in the basket for 8, in accordance with the instructions on the bag. Dry, this tea smells sweet and fruity. It’s very pretty, all long leaves and flower petals. In the cup, it’s all blackcurrant. And nicely done, too – it’s …

Tea review

Green Rhubarb Cream – A.C. Perch’s

It’s no coincidence I picked this as my second tea to try from that massive gift batch from T – rhubarb is something I love growing in my garden and cooking with – I’ll even get excited about rhubarb cordials and lemonades, but in tea? Firstly, I feel much of the complexity of the rhubarb …

Tea review

White Mulberry – A.C. Perch’s

I’m feeling a little like Veronica Mars here (channeling Goodfellas), but this really is one of those, just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in! moments. You know – you sit there, all smug, having logged all the teas in your cupboard. And then it happens. Mail time. SBLAM! Your lovely darling friend T… …

Tea review

Bravissimo! – Lupicia

This is so beautifully floral – if I weren’t already a fan of floral teas, this would make me a believer, I’m sure of it. And it’s so pretty! I’d wear this tea as jewelry; I really would. I know I’m drinking a lot of tea today, but there was a massive thunderstorm (even by …

Tea review

Pleine Lune – Mariage Frères

I opened a whole new tin of this today (a celebration in itself) to share with my new friend Y, who turned out to be exactly the person I needed to talk to about a specific thing. If there ever was a time and place for the serendipitea pun, trust me, this is it. Either way, I …

Tea review

Körsbär (Cherry) – Tehörnan

When I got this, it was mostly an experiment – I haven’t been a fan of any artificial cherry flavouring (Dr. Pepper is death in a can.) since the liquid antibiotics incident back in ’84. Ugh. This smelled more like berries in the store, though, so I went for it. The good news is that …

Tea review

Tokio – Lupicia

I attempted a pitcher of this iced, much like I did with Paradise Green (also from Lupicia) the other day. This was also very good – but not as good as Paradise Green, which I also have rated slightly higher. So, as opposed to A.C. Perch’s White Temple, which went from good to divine after …