Showing: 201 - 210 of 240 RESULTS
Tea review

Mareld (Mareel) – Tehörnan

I don’t technically ‘need’ this tea, particularly not as I’m moving back to Italy tomorrow morning and plan on bringing every single leaf I own, but hey, I had a discount coupon. (Any excuse is valid when it comes to tea.) Adding this in translation was a bit more of a challenge than it usually …

Tea review

Ripe Mango Oolong – Lupicia

This tea just kills me. The first time I made it, I was on holiday in Maui and got distracted by something (so many tall, tanned distractions in Maui) leaving the poor oolong to steep for 25 minutes. It was SO bitter… and it was still so good I couldn’t help drinking it. Then I …

Tea review

Wedding Impérial – Mariage Frères

I suppose the time has come for me to confess I’m not a big fan of the kind of ‘dessert tea’ that contains large chunks of chocolate and caramel and whatnot. I’d rather just have a hot chocolate, complete with rum and whipped cream and vanilla extract and all the decadent little trimmings. I do …