Showing: 41 - 50 of 114 RESULTS
Tea review

Körsbär (Cherry) – Tehörnan

When I got this, it was mostly an experiment – I haven’t been a fan of any artificial cherry flavouring (Dr. Pepper is death in a can.) since the liquid antibiotics incident back in ’84. Ugh. This smelled more like berries in the store, though, so I went for it. The good news is that …

Tea review

Tokio – Lupicia

I attempted a pitcher of this iced, much like I did with Paradise Green (also from Lupicia) the other day. This was also very good – but not as good as Paradise Green, which I also have rated slightly higher. So, as opposed to A.C. Perch’s White Temple, which went from good to divine after …

Tea review

Samurai Chai Maté – Teavana

So this is the fourth and final tea from the gift pack I first talked about in this post: Today is an important day; it’s Swedish Cinnamon Roll Day! Please go honor this sacred occasion by procuring a suitable cinnamon pastry this very instant. And as I can’t get anything even remotely similar today (Seriously, …

Tea review

Hua Ki – Lupicia

This is another of the few bagged teas I own. Not only that, it’s also black and from Lupicia, an anomaly in itself – I generally only buy greens and oolongs from them. Not because I’ve had a bad experience, but their blacks always come off as so very lightly scented, and I tend to …

Tea review

Apricot Houji – Lupicia

Okay. So FINALLY I’m getting around to writing tasting notes for those last tricky teas in my cupboard. This is one of very few bagged teas I own. I got it on sale when I did my big Lupicia run in Hawaii; I’m generally a little cautious with flavoured roasty teas, mostly because they’re confusing to my …

Tea review

Thé à l’Opéra – Mariage Frères

This was just as beautiful as the last time around – a light, elegant, floral pick-me-up. It’s struck me on several occasions that many of these greens from Mariage Frères would probably be excellent iced, but somehow they appeal to me more brewed hot. I think back at chilly winters in Paris, I guess, whereas …

Tea review

La Poire – Palais des Thés

This was not, in fact, the one I dropped into the pitcher (see the previous note) but I’m going to give it its five points back, because I’ve had massive cravings for this one lately. I feel like I’m cheating, because I usually write one tasting note per… what? What do I call it? Leaf …