So this is the fourth and final tea from the gift pack I first talked about in this post:
Today is an important day; it’s Swedish Cinnamon Roll Day! Please go honor this sacred occasion by procuring a suitable cinnamon pastry this very instant.
And as I can’t get anything even remotely similar today (Seriously, Rome. Sometimes you’re just so Italian.) I’m tackling this chai maté. See, I despise cinnamon in tea. Loathe it. In food and pastries, cinnamon is one of my favorite flavors of all time, but drinking it is just vile.
In other words, I’m not the right person to review this poor tea. It has a weird sweet-sour hint to it – I can taste it on the sides of my tongue far better than on my tongue, which is a very weird feeling – disregarding the flavour, the mere act of drinking this tea is unsettling.
The tea tastes like it smells and looks – like spicy tea leftover salad. I guess it’s supposed to appear bountiful, but it just seems like there were all these bits and pieces that didn’t fit anywhere else, and that were just thrown together, resulting in this blend.
Just… no.
[Purchased/gifted at Teavana in Honolulu, January 2013.]
Boiling, 4 min