Right, so someone on Steepster recently talked about wanting to try this one iced, so I figured I’d be a helpful little tea reviewer and give it a shot.
And I did. And forgot about it completely. So I think this cold-steeped for a little over 24 hours.
I assumed there would be at least some bitterness due to the long steep, but there really is none. Not a hint. Even if there had been, I would have been delighted with the experiment, as it demonstrated quite clearly how very useful even these somewhat less amazing Lupicia greens are iced.
Because this is seriously beautiful – almost up there with A.C. Perch’s White Temple. The floral notes really come out very nicely in the cold tea, and the base is so good. This is something I could drink all day. I will keep the grade at 75 for now, though, until I see how the higher rated teas fare iced.
Cold-steeped, forever