So a while back I received some samples from a Steepster friend, but I have neither been in possession of the time nor the faculties for note writing until now, so the samples have had to wait patiently. In very pretty air-tight containers, though, so they haven’t exactly been languishing.

My benefactress had recommended 75C for 3-4 minutes, so I went with 80C (my kettle only does increments of ten) a brief cooling off period, and then a three-minute steep.

In the bag already, it is quite clear this is an exquisite green – I had to force myself to brew it fearlessly, as the scent of the sample was so delicate and complex the risk to lose some small delicious note along the way seemed overwhelming.

But, in the end, I managed to keep my hands steady and my timing timely.

In the cup, the complexity of the dry tea prevails. For me, the notes most present taste wise are apple and date. The apple in particular is interesting – it can’t really make up its mind. Is it a red apple? Is it a green apple? Is it a special fairytale multiplex apple? Possibly, possibly, and possibly.

All in all this is a very pleasant tea, with a light, rosey aftertaste. I have synesthetic tendencies, and this tastes the colour of green marzipan. I see the cake from my 25th birthday (and many other birthdays, I admit I do love my princess cake) as I sip.

[Sample from Y at Steepster, spring 2014.]

80 C, 3 min