Showing: 1 - 10 of 59 RESULTS
Tea review

Cookie – Lupicia

Hi baby, On most days it’s enough just knowing you’re out there – doing what you do, smelling like you smell, tasting like you taste. On most days. But on some days, I miss you so much it’s unbearable. Sometimes I’m soothed reading old notes and remembering minutes spent together. On occasion, though, not even …

Tea review

Studio 54 – Bönor och Blad

I wish I had been more elaborate about picking my voting day tea – this is not like me at all. But it was hard – I mean, what does civic duty taste like? So I just picked the black tea that smelled most appealing this morning, and, apparently, civic duty tastes like Studio 54, which …


Decaf Momo – Lupicia

French Lupicia have renamed a lot of the teas on their website – Momo, for example, isn’t Momo, but Pêche blanche, which is well and all, but it’s confusing even for second-language-French, third-language-English me, so I’m going to add the French names to the tea description – I hope this is okay with everyone. Thankfully, …

Tea review

Ofelia – Sing Tehus

I need some caffeination before heading out – I often forget about this tea, but thanks to a person on the tea forum who recently reviewed a swap box sample of it, I was reminded. It’s light and floral and delicate, but without the weakness of flavour I loathe so much in Dammann Frères’ teas. …

Tea review

Pleine Lune – Mariage Frères

A birthday week tea rerun (trearun?). I figured this would pair well both with the chocolate cake and the almond cake in case someone else wanted tea. It was so nice to get to see everyone in the same room for once – we all work very different hours and the building is pretty big. …

Tea review

Wedding Impérial – Mariage Frères

The all-faves birthday week tea consumption concept clearly calls for some more Mariage Frères. If you’re still on the fence about getting this, and like Cookie, or if you’re on the fence about getting Cookie, and like this – Cookie is like Wedding Impérial with popcorn. Now I’m off to pick up cakes number 1, …

Tea review

Cookie – Lupicia

So French Lupicia ship all over Europe now, which makes life a little easier. But just somewhat, because they have changed all the tea names, so you have to play detective to find the right ones. Also they have this completely un-Lupicia website, all clean and proper. What they don’t have, however, is Cookie. I don’t blame …

Tea review

Afternoon Tea – Lupicia

Let me state right from the start I am really not the target audience for this tea. Unflavoured blacks are the hardest ones for me to stomach overall, and even though I’m still in the process of trying to figure out which base teas I actually like (considering I only come across them in flavoured blends) I …

Tea review

Lavender Earl Grey – Ovation Teas

Lavender Earl Greys are yet another of those tea categories I’m not quite comfortable with (I’ll probably need a good rest at a spa or something after this swap box sampling round.) but want to make some kind of final decision on. I decided to go with the steeping suggestion from a Steepster review of …