Showing: 1 - 10 of 29 RESULTS
Tea review

Peach Oolong

Okay, so I finally get around to this – this is from my swap with a tea forum friend who spoiled me insanely. I mean, I can’t even. No. She sent me EVERY TEA IN THE WORLD. And so much stuff for Project Green and Project Jasmine and Project Peach, I don’t even know how to thank her, except offer to …

Tea review

Lembranca-Lembrança – Theodor

As you can tell, I’m box-sampling way outside of my comfort zone this time around. Next up, lemongrass! There were two lemongrasses (uh) in the box, so I figured I’d compare, even if one is a yerba maté (this one) and the other a straight-up herbal. I was surprised that I liked the scent of …

Tea review

Grön & Skön – Kobbs

I don’t really know how to rate this – it’s the best green available at my home airport lounge, so I drink it whenever I’m traveling – more out of habit than strong preference. It gets bitter very easily, and I rarely finish my cup. I’m making this sound so much worse than it is …

Tea review

Nosy Bey – Dammann Frères

This tea would have fared better if it hadn’t been the last stop on my Dammann Frères journey. It’s a bit unfair, I know – I will try my best to keep an open mind. It’s just that both the dry tea and the steeped tea are saturated with this – as I have now …

Tea review

Christmas Tea Blanc – Dammann Frères

Haha, oh, wow. Flashback to childhood, white milky liquid penicillin. At the hospital they always said, ‘Oh, no small child can swallow pills this big,’ but I very happily did, seeing as the option was that terrifying milky-thick, fruit-flavored stuff. I’ve sort of gotten over artificial banana to some degree, but artificial cherry? Never. One sip of …