Okay, so I finally get around to this – this is from my swap with a tea forum friend who spoiled me insanely. I mean, I can’t even. No. She sent me EVERY TEA IN THE WORLD. And so much stuff for Project Green and Project Jasmine and Project Peach, I don’t even know how to thank her, except offer to be her European tea dealer for life.
This is a bag – the dry tea smells lovely, and it reminds me of Lupicia’s discontinued Apricot Houji, but with a much rounder, sweeter finish. I was a little surprised to see the suggested steeping time was 5 minutes, with boiling water – I’m used to fairly green oolongs that steep 2 minutes or less. I assume that gives that this is a blacker oolong than what I’m used to, and both in scent and taste this does come off very black to me.
I’m so grateful to Kat_Maria for including this – I have very little experience with Adagio and have been considering placing an order. This sounded like a given Anna tea, but after being presented with the opportunity to sample this beforehand, I won’t include it in my order. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a very good blackish oolong, and the balance of the peach and the tea is very well executed. The peach (a fairly soft, apricoty peach) is present throughout the sip and lingers nicely. And yet, it’s just too black to be oolongy enough for me.
If it were only greener.
[From my swap with a tea forum friend, Rome, March 2014.]
Boiling, 5 min.